Saturday, September 3, 2016


Hey guys!! Hope you're all doing something fun this Labor Day Weekend!  Labor Day signals the end of summer...but it doesn't have to signal the end of fun as the season closes. As I reflect back on this past summer, I like to think about all the fun I got into, which has kept me young with childlike wonder. It's important to always connect with the child in you, to nurture it.  Sometimes we get so bogged up by the responsibilities and worries of daily life, that we forget to just let loose and be silly. So go to the beach, do some handstands, fall and laugh about it.  Go to the trampoline park and jump until you can't anymore. Eat some ice cream on a hot day and have no regrets.

Be silly, love fully, and laugh all year round and it will always feel like summer!



All photos but the talented Miss Kelly Brooke, who had a birthday this past month!!! Happy Birthday, Kel! Luv ya my Leo sista!  Follow her IG @kellybrookephoto or check out her site here.


(Just an FYI...the top I could not find online..nor the necklace.  I purchased the top at Luna Boutique and it's by Honey Punch.  The necklace I purchased at the top of the summer season from Topshop.  I have included similar items for you guys to check out to help recreate, if you want to!;)

About Me

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Fashionista-Shopaholic from LA who also happens to be an animal-loving, shoe and bagaholic, cupcake obsessed foodie that works out too much, who just really wants to show you her outfits. :)